Iq Test Iq Test Funny Test Videos Suicide Squad
"Mortimer has been a thorn in your side for as long as you can remember. Your IQ test score was 314 — Mortimer's was 315. He always held that over you, never letting you forget for one day."
A character who is a genius, ideally, tends to stand out. But that's not enough for most authors, who really want to drive the point home that this character's intellect is so far beyond that of a mortal man, that there is no way anyone can match their intelligence. Luckily, there's a fairly basic solution - give them a high IQ score.
Of course, Bigger Is Better, so the natural tendency is for these assigned high scores to reach truly absurd levels. After all, a character with an IQ of 200+ clearly is the smartest kid on the metaphorical block, right? Right?
This one is a staple of the TV Genius. If handled poorly, it may turn into a case of an Informed Ability.
Contrast Improbably Low IQ.
To illustrate exactly how improbable a given IQ score might be, see IQ Testing. For numerical stats, see the analysis page.
Compare Elite School Means Elite Brain, another easy way to indicate a character is a genius.
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Anime & Manga
- Ash Lynx of Banana Fish starts with an IQ of around 180 and then is later updated to over 200 in canon.
- Alec Howell from Ceres, Celestial Legend would have been fired by the Mikages for his otaku-ism if he wasn't a genius with an IQ of 260.
- Minoru from Chobits supposedly has an IQ of 300.
- One chapter of Gag Manga Biyori involves a girl purchasing a CD that claims to give the listener an IQ of 500 million.
- Urumi from Great Teacher Onizuka has an IQ "over 200", which gives her free rein to do pretty much whatever she wants in the school.
- Cyberdoll Kei from Hand Maid May is said to have an IQ of 50,000 in human terms. Though she has trouble with more abstract problems which causes her to mentally lock up.
- Jewelpet Twinkle: the OP reveals that Sara, resident Teen Genius, has an IQ of 240.
- After becoming the ultimate life form, Kars from the second part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has an IQ of 400.
- An episode of Lupin III: Part 5 features a safe that can only be opened by someone with perfect IQ of 0. This proves a particular problem for Lupin since his IQ is 300.
- Kaitou Kid, civilian identity Kaito Kuroba, from Magic Kaito, apparently has an IQ of 400. This was determined through DNA testing.
- Zeon dictator Gihren Zabi from Mobile Suit Gundam is said to have an IQ of 240. Considering the fact that he's a space-fascist, this is probably just propaganda, though.
- Shikamaru from Naruto is said to have an IQ of over 200. So far only his dad and Temari have given him a run for his money in that department. Since he's explicitly stated to be perhaps the smartest person in the world, it isn't as improbable as some of the other figures on this page; his IQ is over 200, but at least one person in Real Life has had their IQ measured as over 200, so if he is the smartest person in the world, his IQ could well be in this range.
- Negima! Magister Negi Magi: Word of God states that Chao Lingshen's IQ is 300. Of course, the comment was qualified with "maybe even seriously", so it's probably an exaggeration.
- The god of wisdom, Thoth, from Oh, Suddenly Egyptian God, states that his IQ is infinity.
- Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) of Sailor Moon is rumored to have an IQ of around 300 by her fellow classmates. The musicals on the other hand present this as fact. And in the new Viz dub, Umino claims that it's Over Nine Thousand!
- Science Ninja Team Gatchaman's Berg Katse was said to have a 280 IQ. note S/he was made from fused fetal fraternal twins and hir IQ was the combined IQ of both of them.
- Kokoro-chan from Tantei Opera Milky Holmes is probably one of the most extreme example of this trope — her claimed IQ gains zeroes every time she mentions it, eventually peaking at 1.4 × 1071.
- Ash from Banana Fish has an IQ that is 180 the first time they mention it, and over 200 the next.
Asian Animation
- Happy Heroes: Before he got slammed in the face by elevator doors and became his current self, Big M. had an IQ of over 200.
Comic Books
- Reed Richards is often cited having an IQ in the mid-300s.
- Then there's Galactus who must have an IQ in the thousands, seeing as how Reed Richards can only begin to comprehend his technology.
- Bruce Banner actually averts this. His IQ is stated by a school psychiatrist in a flashback as being "too high to measure", which is quite possible as standard IQ tests aren't very helpful when measuring superintelligent people.
- Marvel frequently also averts this trope by simply saying Reed Richards, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Victor von Doom, Amadeus Cho & co. are among the ten or twenty smartest people on the planet.
- Likewise averted with DC's Mister Terrific, of the Justice Society of America. He's consistantly named as the third smartest man in the world, but no IQ score is ever named.
- The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius: Barry Ween claims to have an IQ of 350. The first time we hear it, it's softened by a "if it could be measured". Every other time, however, it's played completely straight.
- Averted in Think Tank, where Dr. David Loren is noted to be "off the charts" and thus "untestable to IQ level." His DARPA dossier lists his IQ as "163+ (205 estimated)" accordingly; evidently their tests only went up to 160 or thereabouts. For the record, Loren's lab assistant Dr. Manish Pavi has a completely realistic genius-level IQ of 158.
- From Atomic Robo, Dr. Dinosaur claims to have "about 500 of your mammal IQ points" (paraphrased). Since Dr. Dinosaur is even less in contact with reality than the average Mad Scientist, the claim is probably not to be taken at face value.
- DC One Million's Batman has a stated IQ of 1045, being an Up to Eleven version of the original. Who knows? Maybe IQ tests have actually gotten that precise in the 853rd century.
- Played for Laughs in an issue of the French school comic l'élève Ducobu, where a psychologist tests the class and excitedly tells the teacher that one of the students has an IQ of 280. The teacher is surprised to find out that the student in question is not Teacher's Pet and Child Prodigy Léonie, but the Book Dumb troublemaker protagonist Ducobu — and burns the results as soon as he's left alone with them, to destroy the information forever.
- Mr. Mxyzptlk apparently
has an IQ score of 211,051. Not being bound by third dimensional laws and bordering on The Omnipotent, this could make sense.
Comic Strips
- Asok from Dilbert claims an IQ of 240,
while the Pointy-Haired Boss's IQ aspires to triple digits.
- In Zits, Jeremy and Hector once took an Internet IQ test with Jeremy scoring impossibly low and Hector scoring impossibly high. Jeremy began to wonder if he was really that stupid and Hector started treating him like a dolt. Jeremy was only convinced the test was flawed after his father scored even higher on it.
- The creator of a Harry Potter heroine gave her heroine an IQ of 490 and argued that this was too possible because she, the writer, had a friend whose IQ was 520(unconfirmed).
- Dragonball Z: Legacies: The character bio for Kaiser Talos, one of the fic's major villains, states that his IQ is well over 300.
- The Pokémon Squad: The IQs of RM, Max, Kowalski, and RM's Other Friend are revealed in "Mind Over Max" to be very close to infinity (within 8 to 8.0015 points). Max bemoans being the least intelligent of the four, but the others point out that his IQ is still exceptionally high.
- In the beginning of Limitless, Eddie claims to have a 4 digit IQ. It's just some number he pulled out of his ass.
- In Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol the data file Ethan Hunt pulls up on the main villain matter-of-factly states his IQ as being 190. While real people have achieved scores that high or higher, the margin of error is huge enough to render them practically meaningless. The computer would have done better to say that he's among the five hundred smartest people on the planet, which is a bit less sketchy a figure.
- In The Genius Club, seven people with IQs over 200 are gathered to solve the world's problems in one night.
- Actually used correctly in Idiocracy. Although most people in the future have the "average IQ of 5" (which should be impossible, since 100 is defined as the average, but they're all idiots so they don't know better), the protagonist Joe, who was average in his time, has an extremely high IQ in the future. We're never given a number, and it's implied they literally have no way of measuring it.
- In the beginning of the first chapter of Soon I Will Be Invincible, Doctor Impossible mentions that eighteen (and later events in the book suggest at least one more) individuals, including himself, have an IQ of "300 or more." The book later mentions the Stanford-Binet; Doctor Impossible thinks the heroes' estimation is "insultingly low." Doctor Impossible's opening chapter acknowledges how atypical he is; one of his major problems is that there is literally no one he can possibly relate to. He actually is the one in six billion.
- In the short story Flowers for Algernon, when the main character, Charlie, who has a realistic, low IQ of 60, gets an intelligence enhancing surgery, his IQ starts rising until he comments "I don't know what IQ is, except mine will be over 200 soon."
- The novel treats this a shade more realistically — the Charlie's IQ gets as high as 185, but another character comments that Charlie's intelligence "can't really be measured", highlighting how unreliable IQ tests are at the extreme ends of the scale.
- A. E. van Vogt appears to retain the term "IQ" but throws away any relationship it has with IQ today and more to be some sort of measure of "mental strength". On an IQ curve that would include humans, Kluggs, Lennels and Dreeghs, the respective averages would be 100, 220, 380, and 450... The Proxy Intelligence
- A few paragraphs later, it mentions IQs of 3,000 and 10,000. The problem is the idea that the intelligence or mental abilities of different species could naturally be ordered along a single dimension / expressed by a single number (it's hard enough trying to do that just for humans).
- How much of your suspension of disbelief this destroys depends partly on how much you know about IQ tests. To the average pulp reader at the time Asylum (the first story to feature Kluggs, Dreeghs et al.) was written (1942), it would most likely have been taken at face value.
- Thomas Chippering of Tomcat In Love supposedly has an IQ of 175 despite the many bad decisions he makes, although it could be just more proof of his inflated ego, and thus a subversion.
- Neatly avoided in Ender's Shadow; the intelligence of Battle School kids are measured by how close they can come to scoring perfectly on an impossible test, and the gap between Ender and Bean is 0.005%, which is a huge gap at their end of the curve. And even at that, the test doesn't really define a child as smart, only having the potential for smartness.
- Played with in a short story by Poul Anderson called Turning Point, about a human expedition stumbling across a planet of incredibly intelligent stone age aliens (they never needed a civilization). When one person wonders what their average IQ is, another simply states that the existing scale breaks down well below such values.
- Janine Kishi from The Baby-Sitters Club series is supposed to have an IQ of 196. Since she's a minor character, this is mostly revealed through her use of Spock Speak, her apparent lack of friends, and the fact that she owns a computer. Also some offhand mentions of her taking courses at the local college.
- Artemis Fowl (from the books of the same name) is said to have one of the highest tested IQs in Europe, apparently somewhere around 200.
- Also, Opal Koboi is said to have an IQ of over 300. Justified by the fact that she got this score on a fairy IQ test, where it is apparently plausible.
- The fairy IQ test might cover all species of fairies, including goblins, who are notoriously stupid, and trolls, which are basically gorillas in terms of physique and intelligence. Were this the case, it would not be unlikely that the average non-goblin non-troll fairy would have an IQ around 180, with pixies and centaurs (the two smartest and rarest species) averaging 240, which would make Opal Koboi's IQ of 300 much more plausible.
- In Wilmar Shiras's Children of the Atom the phrase "IQ three star plus" is used, but only as a code, never seriously. The description of the children's IQ measurements is accurate: at thirteen, "Timothy Paul came swiftly through the whole range of Superior Adult tests without a failure of any sort. There were not tests yet devised that could measure his intelligence."
- The Little Black Bag by Cyril Kornbluth never specifies an I.Q. for any character, but runs into this anyway when a genius is described as having "six times" the I.Q. of a clinically retarded character. Assuming that retarded character has an I.Q. of 50 (seemingly lower than the intelligence he demonstrates in-story), the genius would have an I.Q. of 300. (Then again, there are people in this setting who've developed Psychic Powers out of sheer intelligence, so maybe he is that smart.)
- In A Fox Tail Vulpie's IQ is said to be 192, in the sequel Fox Tails it is revised to 230.
- Seth Walker in Ted Dekker's Blink has an IQ of 193, while Albert Einstein is only attributed 163, by way of comparison.
- Matthew Sobol, creator of the Daemon, tested at an IQ of 220. Lampshaded as being astoundingly high, practically to the point of being an Impossible Genius. He's certainly a Chessmaster of such incredible skill that he manages the rare feat of becoming a borderline-Invincible Anti-Hero in spite of being dead. Top that, Doctor Doom!
- In the non-fiction work The Planet That Wasn't, Isaac Asimov claimed to have an IQ of 300. He got it that high by taking one of the instant IQ-tests found in a book, but taking 15 minutes instead of the 30 that was recommended. The score calculation provided an IQ of 150, and Isaac doubled the score to account for half the time. He then explained why he doesn't have much faith in these IQ tests (the most important claim being that they penalize for slowness but give no bonus for speed). note As Asimov was known for pretending to have an over-inflated opinion of himself, this entire tale may have been tongue-in-cheek.
- Rama II: Wakefield's score of +5.58 on an intelligence test indicates he is one in 10^5.58, that is, in a group smaller than one in 100,000 of the population. Sabatini is 1 in 10,000, and so is Brown. Though such people exist in a population which is large (assuming the validity of the measure), they are gonna be hard to come by. note Converted to IQ, those would be scores of 168 for Wakefield, and around 158 for Sabatini.
- In VALKYRIE: Into The Heavens, Daniel Logan has an IQ of 185, which is said to be one of the reasons why he was recruited into the program. His fellow candidates have similarly high IQ scores, but theirs are never specified.
- In Mutation, a medical thriller by Robin Cook, a scientist genetically modifies his son VJ to be a supergenius. VJ is said to have an IQ of 250, although the narration adds "as far as they could determine", implying it's only a rough estimate. And then the kid loses most of his intellect for mysterious reasons; his IQ then drops to a "smart but not a genius" score of 130. Or so VJ wants everybody to believe.
Live Action TV
- Zelda, of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, has an IQ with 4 digits.
- Red Dwarf:
- Holly, the computer, has a stated IQ of 6000 (said to be the equivalent of 12000 PE teachers, although when he is accused of having one of only 6 he claims that would be a 'poor IQ for a glass of water'), and is friends with another computer with an IQ of 8000. Too bad s/he's also senile. (They were also able to accidentally boost it to 12,368 at the cost of reducing her remaining life expectancy to just under three-and-a-half minutes.)
- In "Holoship", there is the crew of the holoship Enlightenment. The captain had an IQ of 212. The rest of the crew were assumed to be at super-super-genius level too, so presumably they had enough people to establish a decent results curve for their admission test.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation:
- In the episode "The Nth Degree," Lieutenant Barclay's IQ is temporarily raised to "somewhere between 1200 and 1450." Barclay, his mind boosted by an intelligence-enhancing device and then hooked up to the Enterprise's computer, estimated his own IQ in this case. Certainly if he were anywhere near as intelligent as his stated IQ implied, he would be capable of this kind of extrapolation.
- In an earlier episode, Q's IQ (no pun intended) is given as 2,005. Of course, he's essentially a demigod... and is known on at least one planet as the God of Lies.
- In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon's and Leonard's exceptional IQs (187 and 173, respectively) are very high, even given that they are both physicists. IQs this high actually exist, though it is highly improbable that two of this level would accidentally be in the same gang.
- In Quantum Leap, Sam Beckett's IQ was said to be around 200. So is his daughter's. This is in line with the other ridiculously capable intellectual abilities he seems to have - like the seven doctorates, Nobel Prize, ability to speak seven languages, read Egyptian hieroglyphics, beat computers at chess by the age of 10, perform advanced calculus by the age of 5... and, of course, inventing time travel. The show at least gave a semi-plausible explanation for any time he came across as less than the smartest person in the world (i.e., any time it was obvious the show was written by people with IQs below 200): the time travel process gave him partial amnesia (and exactly which parts he could and couldn't remember could change each time he "leaped").
- Dr. Spencer Reid of Criminal Minds says he has IQ is 187, as well as possessing an eidetic memory and the ability to read 20,000 words per minute. He qualifies that statement by saying that he doesn't believe that intelligence can be accurately measured. Every single time that he brings it up. In an early episode, the team goes to the CIA headquarters and is given a quick background on each agent worth investigating. One agent has an IQ of 192.
- Eureka gives Jack Carter's IQ as 111, averting the 'always extreme' part of the trope. It's pretty realistic, considering Carter is slightly Book Dumb but fairly clever. His daughter Zoe tested a 155, putting her in competition with the rest of the town (all geniuses shipped in from across the country). This is somewhat justified in that Eureka, of all places, would use an IQ test equipped for extreme high outliers.
- In Malcolm in the Middle, where at 165, the titular character has the highest IQ of all... until in comes Barton, who skipped grades to be in the Krelboyne class, had an IQ over 280, and was apparently going to work for NASA immediately after the episode ended. Unfortunately, probably because of the other genius characters being at the very top end of realistic IQ scores, most of his intelligence was shown by having Malcolm haul around the Idiot Ball for the day.
- Averted in Frasier, where the undoubtedly brainy (Harvard and Oxford educated) titular character was tested and had an IQ of 129, which whilst still high, is technically below the Mensa cut-off point. Niles's, on the other hand, is 156, despite their mother claiming there were only two points between them. Naturally, hilarity ensues once the true scores are revealed.
- Fringe's Peter Bishop has an IQ of 190. The amount of people in the world at this level is at most in the low single digits, yet Peter has never come across as anything but a person of significant but still reasonable above average intelligence.
- Played with ambiguously in Six Feet Under. Brenda is mentioned to have a reasonably high score. However, in a bout of self-hatred, she rants about how meaningless her score is and how culturally biased, thus unreliable the IQ test is.
- In The Paper Chase, law student Franklin Ford III claims to have an IQ of 190.
- Darien Lambert of Time Trax is described by his computer SELMA as having an IQ of 205 "which is about average." One would presume that she's using the current-day measurement, since his IQ would by definition, be around 100 in his own day if he were average.
- On Night Court, the cast was given a modified intelligence test, and Bull Shannon scored 181, higher than anybody else in the court. He promptly noted that he was holding the paper upside down...
- Lloyd in Breakout Kings has an IQ of 210.
- Stealth example in the Lois & Clark episode Smart kids, where some children drink an intelligence-boosting serum. Although no explicit score was given, the scientist who created the formula stated that its effects were much greater than the "10 to 100% increase in IQ" he expected; also, the children were smarter than average to start with. This means their IQs must have been much higher than 200.
- In Choujuu Sentai Liveman the Big Bad Bias wants The Dragon to gain an IQ of 1000, so he can harvest their brains for himself.
- Bones:
- Temperance Brennan. We don't know the exact number but it's 'significantly above' 163. In one episode, Booth and Brennan investigate a murder at a research institute that accepts only people with extremely high IQs. Bones herself applied but was turned down, as her chosen field has to do with the past, while they're focused on the future. Every scientist of the institute is shown to be as socially awkward and logical as Bones, to the point of treating sex as a natural release with zero attachment.
- Zack comes close or possibly surpasses Brennan. In one episode, the group was discussing a character of the week being like Zack and Zack replies "if he's in the stratosphere, I'm in the ionosphere."
- In Kamen Rider, Takeshi Hongo himself is said to have an IQ of 600. It's the exact reason why the organization Shocker is kidnapping people: they want the smartest brains alive to create their terrible beasts.
- The functionally illiterate Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is given an experimental intelligence pill in Flowers for Charlie. After this, he estimates his own IQ at 175, and tells the researchers he could "crack 200" if they doubled his drug dosage. The pill is a placebo and he's as dumb as ever. The experiment is to show how people become arrogant if they're told they're geniuses.
- The lead character of Scorpion claims to have an IQ of 197, and that his four person team has a combined IQ of over 700. But despite that, the four of them combined have the social skills of one ordinary person, which is why they have to hire a fifth member - a waitress - to be their interface with normal people.
- In The X-Files episode Roland, Roland apparently can't even be taught to operate a door opening system, has limited speech ability, passes the time in his group home with activities for young children such as stickers, but is said by Scully to have an IQ of slightly above 70. Short of comorbid problems, his speech issues alone indicate at least moderate retardation, but >70 IQ is above the threshold for even a classification of mild retardation based on IQ alone in modern times.
- T.J. Henderson of Smart Guy is stated to have an I.Q. of around 1000. Though this is likely an exaggeration as he is often outsmarted by adults in high positions such as the executives of the Colonel Bubble soft drink company.
- Ultraman: Alien Mefilas is said to have an IQ of 10000 or more, and is portrayed as a Manipulative Bastard who prefers to use mind games to defeat the Science Patrol in his quest to invade Earth. Whether other members of his species in later instalments of the Ultra Series share this trait is not known.
- Aliens in the Family: According to Adam, Cookie has an IQ of 5000.
- In Kenny Everett's sci-fi-spoof radio serial Captain Kremmen, a computer readout listing Kremmen's attributes and achievements gives his IQ as 498. When the serial was adapted to cartoon form by Cosgrove Hall, the same audio was accompanied by computer screens in the background flashing up the number "21".
Tabletop Games
- TSR once said that in Dungeons & Dragons a character's IQ is about their Int score X 10. This means that any wizard worth playing above about level 6 has an IQ in the 180-200 range. There is a reason why they (or their successors, Wizards of the Coast) have not repeated it. Then again, if you have 20 strength you are as physically strong as an average 18 foot tall stone giant. Having an IQ of 200 seems almost mundane in comparison.
- Tamagotchi: Mametchi and Mimitchi are characterized as having IQs of 250 and 200, respectively. While they are shown in multiple media to be geniunely of above-average intelligence and capable of creating devices humans have yet to, it may be justified as their IQ is measured among other Tamagotchis, not humans.
Video Games
- Commander Keen and his nemesis Mortimer McMire have IQs of 314 and 315, respectively. This is actually the source of their dislike for one another and is played completely for laughs. Especially since Mortimer has decided that everything else in the universe is just much Too Dumb to Live.
- Sonic the Hedgehog:
- Dr. Eggman has been noted in multiple sources to have an IQ of 300.
- Tails is also not that far behind, able to hack Eggman's machines and even created vehicles similar to the quality of Eggman's mechs—though Tails doesn't have nearly the same amount of resources as the 'Eggman Empire'.
Tails: I've built a TV out of paperclips, and reprogrammed a supercomputer with dishwashing detergent and a toothpick.
- Crash Bandicoot's sister Coco is said to have an IQ of 162. She's very good with machines and in general is a genius compared to her brother.
- The gallery of rogues includes several mad scientists, including his creator, Neo Cortex. However, their exact IQ is unknown for sure, besides perhaps N. Tropy, they're just comic relief.
- Parodied in Disgaea 3, where Mao repeatedly refers to his "EQ" (Evil Quotient) of 1.8 million.
- In the first Metal Gear Solid game, Liquid Snake and the genome soldiers are explicitly stated to have an IQ of 180. Yes, those "It's just a box" guys. Their comical ineptitude is mostly down to their lack of actual combat experience, their genetic mutations giving them brain damage, and their brainwashing by Psycho Mantis which compelled them to be suicidally incompetent so Snake could get by them to activate Metal Gear Rex. Snake himself has a slightly more realistic IQ of 165 in spite of his inability to remember anything.
- In the guide for the SNES version of SimCity, it's revealed that Dr. Wright's IQ is 1000. This makes slightly more sense when you remember who originally came up with the game's idea.
- Yuina Himoo, the resident Mad Scientist of Tokimeki Memorial, is listed with an IQ of 300.
- The Pokémon Alakazam has a IQ of 5,000, which seems even more insane considering that this is an entire species rather than a single super-smart individual. (It seems even more implausible that such unparalleled intellects would spend most of their time trapped in little balls and participate in fantastic cockfights. Unless they prefer that lifestyle to living in the wild.) And they still cannot remember more than four moves.
- Persona 4: Arena: The 2000 IQ Killjoy Detective, Naoto Shirogane!
- One character in Hidden Expedition: Dawn of Prosperity has an IQ of 282.
- Da Capo: When discussing Sakura's entrance exam results for their school, she says she scored 160. Junichi privately remarks that that isn't bad for someone who can't read kanji (the test is scored out of 250). However, it turns out that Sakura wasn't given the standard exam... what she took was an IQ test. Later in the story, she is re-scored with her inability to read kanji taken into account, and is bumped up to 180.
- The computer IRIS in Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is said to have an IQ of 3 billion, which would be equal to 170 Terachnoid sages (which would give each of them an IQ of 17,647,058.8) or 3 billion Holo Net fanboys.
- Yoshi of General Protection Fault, introduced at age 10, has an IQ of 208, skipped three grades and is almost ready to graduate by the time of the To Thine Own Self arc. Averted with Fred (an intelligent slime mold), who gets an IQ of 139 on an IQ test he took in order to prove his sapience, although he claims they "dropped 70 or more points somewhere".
- In Narbonic, at various times, it's mentioned that Artie the superintelligent gerbil has an IQ of 250, or "1.57 Stephen Hawkings". He was artificially created by Helen Narbon to do her income taxes.
- One of the funniest parts of Dragon Ball Multiverse has a character introduced who is literally named "Mary Sue." She has an IQ of 250, is immortal, can talk to animals, and enter dreams. All she wants is to save her doomed people, her friends in prison, her evil inter-dimensional double and the baby of Trunks, Goten, Piccolo and Vegeta that she bears. She gets knocked out in one hit by Arale from Doctor Slump.
- The cast page for Mind Mistress says of the title character, "If I.Q. tests were reliable much above 200, she would have one of 794."
- Schlock Mercenary: Kevyn Andreyasn, a Mad Scientist whose inventions include a hyperdrive that upset the galaxy's 100,000 year old balance of power, is generally considered the smartest human in the galaxy. At one point
, Kathryn says he has a four-digit IQ. Thurl raises his eyebrow at that, and Kathryn admits she's prone to hyperbole.
Web Original
- Dr. Grey from Red vs. Blue has an IQ of 240.
- Played straight and averted in Beyond the Impossible. Noriko's IQ is estimated as 265 early on, but she dismisses it as unreliable. Before the start of the series she had an IQ of 101 (literally just a smudge over perfectly average).
- Played for Laughs with SCP-10101-J, a joke character at the SCP Foundation that parodies wish-fulfillment self-inserts. He has "an IQ of 9873857, and then some, measured using special IQ tests that SCP-10101 invented himself".
Western Animation
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder has an IQ of 675, and Splinter's IQ is 475. Vernon's nephew, Foster, said he has an IQ of 271 during the science fair interview with April.
- Martin Prince of The Simpsons has an IQ of 216. Professor Frink, 199 (though it lowers to 197 after he hits his head). Comic Book Guy and Dr. Hibbert were both in the 170s. Stephen Hawking? 280 (granted, that's just what he claimed). note Ironically, the real-life Hawking did not know or care about his IQ; according to him, anyone who boasts about it is a loser. Lisa is another example, whose IQ is a somewhat more realistic 156 (according to "Homer's Enemy".)
- Jimmy Neutron has an IQ of 210.
- King of the Hill had a very funny nod to this in one episode, with Hank mentioning that Peggy has an amazingly high IQ, 170, as she's told him many times. Peggy admits that that's true, but still worries about her intelligence since "that is only my own estimate." She is almost immediately thereafter taken in by an internet IQ test scam which sells her several "overnight" PhD programs for people of exceptional intelligence.
- Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "Eye of the Beholder". Scotty says that the Lactran child has an IQ "in the thousands".
- Total Drama:
- Izzy has an alleged IQ of 188. Or so she claims.
- Noah has "an IQ reading off the charts" of 180.
- Word of God states that Cameron has an IQ of 170.
- Billy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy gets his IQ of -5 boosted to 200 in an episode where he gets drafted into the CIA.
- This trope is Averted in Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers because they never actually put a number to Gadget's IQ; though it is described as being "ludicrously high".
- Ben 10: Omniverse shows that Brainstorm, one of Ben's transformations, has an IQ of 10^30, or one nonillion. And according to Word of God Gray Matter's species, the Galvans, are even smarter.
- Gene from Super 4 claims to have an IQ of 180.
- Wile E. Coyote claims to have an IQ of 207—"Super Geeeeenius." What he really needs is an engineering degree and quality control from the ACME Corporation.
- The Jetsons: In one episode, Astro is artificially evolved by one of Elroy's inventions and becomes a super-genius. In his evolved form he claims to have an IQ of 4237, making him the smartest being in the Galaxy by a margin of 3800 points.
Real Life
- The person who formerly held the Guinness World Record for highest recorded IQ (now a retired category) is Marilyn vos Savant. The official number varies, according to The Other Wiki, but it has been said to be 180s, 190s or even 200+, depending on the test. However, there has been some controversy surrounding this claim, due to the questionable authenticity of the "Mega Test", which was used to find her score for the book.
- Anyone in Mensa is in the top 2% of the IQ range. The Omega Society turns this Up to Eleven, only accepting people with IQs statistically only occurring in one out of a million people. The (possibly tongue-in-cheek) Giga Society
turns this Up To Twelve, accepting only IQs occurring once in a billion. The (certainly tongue-in-cheek) Exa Society
turn this Up To... well, a lot, accepting only IQs occurring once in a trillion.
- Masi Oka was tested at 180. Considering he was the go-to guy for doing special effects without breaking computers in Star Wars, that measurement is probably right (or as right as any IQ score ever is).
- The late great Stephen Hawking was often cited as one of the smartest men in the world... but when asked what his IQ was, he replied "I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers." note Hawking would not have been able to take an IQ test later in life, anyway, as his ALS prevented him from speaking or using his hands, the computer he used to speak took a fair bit of time to say anything, and IQ tests are timed.
- William James Sidis had an IQ of 300.
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